To display the table of TAP services, go to the Infrastructure menu section, click Management → Configuration menu next to the controller, go to the TAP services section, and select the TAP services tab. Information about TAP services is displayed in the following columns of the table:
Name and DPID of the CPE device on which the service interface was created
Number of the OpenFlow port which the service interface is mapped to
Mirror traffic indicates whether the TAP service mirrors traffic from traffic collection points to the traffic destination:
Type is the type of traffic collection points:
SI means individual service interfaces are used as traffic collection points.
If the service interfaces used as traffic collection points are added to a transport service, the type of the transport service is displayed:
IP multicast
Transport service is the transport service to which the service interfaces being used as traffic collection points have been added. The value in this column is displayed only if the Source point type column is displaying the type of the transport service.
Source points contains information about service interfaces that are being used as traffic collection points:
Names and DPIDs of the CPE devices on which the service interfaces were created
Numbers of OpenFlow ports which the service interfaces are mapped to