Syntax and options for the HTTP client

You can supply one or more options to the sample HTTP client.


The following options are available in the sample HTTP client:

Options for running the sample HTTP client




Specifies the address of Kaspersky Scan Engine or a path to the UNIX socket. The connection string can be specified with or without quotation marks.

The UNIX sockets are supported only on Linux systems.


Specifies the request processing timeout, in milliseconds.


Specifies the URL to scan.

Only one URL can be specified at a time.


Specifies the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the host referred to by a URL. This option can only be used with -u.

Specifying an IP address increases the detection rate of Kaspersky Scan Engine.


Enables scanfile mode.


Specifies the scan task context. If this option is specified, the request must have the X-KAV-ObjectURL header that contains the option value without quotation marks.


Specifies a path to a file with request headers that were gathered from the HTTP traffic for the scanned object.


Specifies a path to a file with response headers that were gathered from the HTTP traffic for the scanned object.


Shows the release date of the anti-virus database. You can use this option to check whether kavhttpd is running. Can be used with options -s, -t, and -j.


Shows the version of KAV SDK. You can use this option to check whether kavhttpd is running. Can be used with options -s, -t, and -j.


Shows information about the current key file. You can use this option to check whether kavhttpd is running. Can be used with options -s, -t, and -j.


Shows Help information.


Makes an HTTP request in JSON format.

Note that on Windows systems, only KAV protocol version 3 is used, and therefore the -j option is mandatory.


Makes an HTTP request to launch the anti-virus database update. Can be used with options -s, -t, and -j.


Shows the status of the database update process. Can be used with options -s, -t, and -j.


Gets the accumulated statistics. Can be used with options -s, -t, and -j.


Clears the accumulated statistics. Can be used with options -s, -t, and -j.


When making an HTTP request in JSON format, omits objects with the CLEAN scan result from the subObjectsScanResults array in the response message. Can only be used with option -j.

Connection type

Connections of two types are supported by the sample HTTP client:


The sample HTTP client uses the value specified in the -t option to determine the scan timeout, similarly to the X-KAV-Timeout header.

The default timeout value is 2000.

If 0 is specified in this option, the timeout is infinite.

Scan mode

The sample HTTP client support two scan modes, which you can specify by using the -f option:

Scan task context

Kaspersky Scan Engine uses the scan task context to increase the detection rate. Using this option does not affect scanning performance.

It is recommended to use the scan task context in gateway integrations.

Use the following format for the context:

If the object is received by email, but the sender's email address is unknown, it is recommended to use [from:test@relay.example] as the scan task context.

The scan task context is applicable to file scanning only. If you specify the scan task context for a URL, it will be ignored.

Request and response headers

Specifying request and response headers that were gathered from HTTP traffic related to the scanned object improves the detection rate. It is recommended to use the request and response headers in gateway integrations.

Information messages

The -b, -v, and -l options can only be used together with the -s, -j, and -t options. If you use them with any other option, kavhttp_client returns an error.

You can use the -b, -v, and -l options to check whether kavhttpd is running.

Scanning files

You can specify one or more files to scan, separating them by a white space. Depending on the scan mode, the sample HTTP client then passes the paths to these files or their contents to Kaspersky Scan Engine.

Use the following syntax to scan files in scanfile mode:

./kavhttp_client [-s <ip:port | unix-socket>] [-t <timeout>] [-c <context>] [--req <req_file>] [--resp <resp_file>] -f <file1> [<file2>...]

Use the following syntax to scan the contents of files in scanmemory mode:

./kavhttp_client [-s <ip:port | unix-socket>] [-t <timeout>] [-c <context>] [--req <req_file>] [--resp <resp_file>] <file1> [<file2>...]

Scanning URLs

You can specify a URL to scan. If the URL contains spaces or tabs, enclose the URL in quotation marks, or make these characters percent-encoded. Similarly, if the URL contains quotation marks ("), make them percent-encoded.

Simultaneous scanning of multiple URLs is not supported. If you specify more than one URL, only the first one will be scanned.

Files cannot be scanned when the -u option is specified. The -u and -f options cannot be used together.

Use the following syntax to scan a URL:

./kavhttp_client [-s <IP:port | unix-socket>] [-t <timeout>] [-i <IP>] -u <URL>

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