Format of a response to a scan POST request

If a scan POST request is successfully processed, the response body contains a JSON object with the following fields:


"object": "%SCAN_OBJECT%",

"scanResult": "%SCAN_RESULT%",

"detectionName": "%DETECTED_OBJECT%",

"containsOfficeMacro": "%IS_MACRO_CONTAINED%",

"subObjectsScanResults": [


"object": "%SCAN_FILE%",

"scanResult": "%SCAN_RESULT%",

"detectionName": "%DETECTED_OBJECT%",

"containsOfficeMacro": "%IS_MACRO_CONTAINED%"



"object": "%SCAN_FILE%",

"scanResult": "%SCAN_RESULT%",

"detectionName": "%DETECTED_OBJECT%",

"containsOfficeMacro": "%IS_MACRO_CONTAINED%"





If a POST scan request is processed with an error, the response body contains a JSON object with a single error field:


"error": "%ERROR_MESSAGE%"


where error contains the description of the error that occurred during the request processing.

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