Uploading tenant protection reports

Tenant protection reports are downloaded using the Integration Server REST API. Interaction with the Integration Server REST API is based on requests and responses and is carried out using the HTTP protocol.

If the computer on which the Integration Server is installed belongs to an Active Directory domain, authentication is performed using the NTLM or Kerberos protocols. Make sure that your domain account is a member of the KLAdmins group or the local administrators group on the computer where the Integration Server is installed.

If the computer where the Integration Server is installed is not included in the Active Directory domain, specify the settings of the Integration Server administrator account in the Authorization request header, in the form of the following string: {account name}:{password} encoded by the Base64 method. Authentication of the Basic type is used.

To download a tenant protection report, execute the following query:

GET https://{IP-address}:{port}/api/1.0/reports/protectionPeriods?[infraId={ID}&tenantId={ID}&periodStart={date and time}&periodEnd={date and time}]


To execute API queries, you can use any applications or plug-ins for HTTP queries, such as the cURL command line utility. cURL utility usage example:

curl -i -S -s -o - --noproxy '*' --insecure -u admin:1 -X GET "{ID}&tenantId={ID}"

As a result of the query execution, the report data is displayed as a table. Each line contains information about one virtual machine protection period in the following format:

{virtual Administration Server ID};{virtual Administration Server name};{virtual machine ID};{virtual machine name};{infrastructure ID};{infrastructure name};{date and time when protection was enabled};{date and time when protection was disabled}


If during the reporting period the virtual machine was protected by the application several times (protection was enabled and disabled), the report displays each virtual machine protection period.

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