User account for installing the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in and Integration Server
Installation of the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in and Integration Server requires an account that has software installation privileges (for example, an account from the group of local administrators).
If the computer hosting the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console belongs to an Active Directory domain, connection to the Integration Server requires a domain account that belongs to the KLAdmins group or an account that belongs to the group of local administrators.
To prevent unauthorized access, it is recommended to ensure the security of the account that is used to connect to the Integration Server.
User accounts for deploying and removing SVMs, and for operation of the application
The following user accounts are required to deploy, delete and work with the SVMs that have Kaspersky Security components:
Roles must be assigned to user accounts at the top level of the hierarchy of VMware virtual infrastructure objects.
For information on how to create user accounts in a VMware infrastructure, please refer to VMware documentation.
User account for connecting the Integration Server to Kaspersky Security Center
This account is used if the application is operating in multitenancy mode.
The Integration Server connects to Kaspersky Security Center to receive information about virtual Administration Servers created in Kaspersky Security Center, and to map virtual Administration Servers to Cloud Director organizations that contain tenant virtual machines.
Connecting the Integration Server to Kaspersky Security Center requires an account with read permissions in the following Kaspersky Security Center functional scopes:
You can create and configure the account used for connecting the Integration Server to Kaspersky Security Center in the properties window of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server in the Security section.
By default, the Security section is not displayed in the Administration Server properties window. To enable the display of the Security section, you must select the Display security settings sections check box in the Configure interface window (View → Configure interface menu) and restart the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
For more details on the rights of user accounts in Kaspersky Security Center, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center documentation.
User account for connecting SVMs to network data storage
This user account is required if you are using network data storage for SVMs. Network data storage is used for storing backup copies of files that have been moved to Backups on SVMs.
To connect SVMs to network data storage, you need an account with read and write permissions in the network folder hosting the storage.
It is recommended to restrict access to this network folder for all other user accounts.
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