A Custom Scan task created using the Kaspersky Security main administration plug-in lets you scan virtual machines that are managed by one VMware vCenter Server and that are not part of a Cloud Director organization.
To create a Custom Scan task for virtual machines that are not part of a Cloud Director organization:
Due to the specifics of configuring the scope of a Custom Scan task, it is recommended to create Custom Scan tasks in administration groups that contain KSC clusters, which means group tasks. If a Custom Scan task is configured for one or more SVMs (meaning a local or global task), correct configuration of the task scope cannot be guaranteed.
Proceed to the next step of the New Task Wizard.
It is recommended to specify the Integration Server address in the <address:port> format.
If the computer hosting the Administration Console of Kaspersky Security Center belongs to a domain or your domain user account belongs to the KLAdmins group or to the group of local administrators on the computer hosting the Integration Server, your domain user account is used by default to connect to the Integration Server. The Use domain account check box is selected by default.
If you want to use the account of an Integration Server administrator (admin), clear the Use domain account check box and enter the administrator password in the Password field.
If the computer hosting the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console does not belong to a domain, or the computer belongs to a domain but your domain account does not belong to the KLAdmins group or to the group of local administrators on the computer hosting the Integration Server, you can use only the account of the Integration Server administrator (admin) to connect to the Integration Server. Enter the administrator password in the Password field.
If the connection to the Integration Server is established using the Integration Server administrator account (admin), you can save the administrator password. To do so, select the Save password check box. The saved administrator password will be used the next time a connection is established with this Integration Server. If you clear the check box selected during the previous connection to the Integration Server, Kaspersky Security removes the previously saved password of the Integration Server administrator.
The Save password check box may be unavailable if Windows updates KB 2992611 and/or KB 3000850 have been installed on the computer hosting the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console. To restore the capability to save the administrator password, you can uninstall these Windows updates or modify the operating system registry as described in the Knowledge Base.
Proceed to the next step of the New Task Wizard.
The Task Wizard verifies the SSL certificate received from the Integration Server. If the received certificate contains an error, the Certificate verification window containing the error message opens. The SSL certificate is used to establish a secure connection to the Integration Server. If there are problems with the SSL certificate, it is recommended to make sure that the utilized data transfer channel is secure. To view information on the received certificate, click the View the received certificate button in the window containing the error message. You can install the certificate you received as a trusted certificate to avoid receiving a certificate error message at the next connection to the Integration Server. To do so, select the Install received certificate and stop showing warnings for <Integration Server address> check box.
To continue connecting, click the Continue button in the Certificate verification window. If you selected the Install received certificate and stop showing warnings for <Integration Server address> check box, the received certificate is saved in the operating system registry on the computer where the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console is installed. The application also checks the previously installed trusted certificate for the Integration Server. If the received certificate does not match the previously installed certificate, a window opens to confirm replacement of the previously installed certificate. To replace the previously installed certificate with the certificate received from the Integration Server and continue connecting, click the Yes button in this window.
After the connection is established, the List of VMware vCenter Servers window opens. Select the VMware vCenter Server that manages the virtual machines that you want to scan, and click OK.
Proceed to the next step of the New Task Wizard.
Proceed to the next step of the New Task Wizard.
Proceed to the next step of the New Task Wizard.
Finish the wizard.
The created custom scan task appears in the list of tasks. If you configured a task start schedule in the Task start schedule settings window, the task is started according to this schedule. You can also run the task manually at any time.
If a VMware vCenter Server is replaced or reinstalled, all previously created custom scan tasks will no longer work. If you want to use a previously created custom scan task, you must reconnect to the VMware vCenter Server in the properties of this task.
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