Installing via the command line

Prior to installing the administration plug-in, it is recommended to carefully read the text of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy. To do so, type the following command in the command line:

ksv-components_6.1.0.XXX_mlg.exe --lang=<language ID> --show-EulaAndPrivacyPolicy

where 6.1.0.XXX is the number of the application version.

The text of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy is output to the EulaAndPrivacyPolicy_<language ID>.txt file in the %temp% folder.

To install the Kaspersky Security main administration plug-in and Integration Server components via the command line,

type one of the following commands in the command line:


Port number 7271 is used by default for connecting to the Integration Server. If you want to use a different port to connect to the Integration Server, specify --viisPort=<port number in the range of 1025–65536> in the command.

Installation of the Kaspersky Security main administration plug-in and Integration Server components may take some time. Information about the installation result is written to Kaspersky Security Components Installation Wizard trace files. If installation ended with an error, you can use these files when contacting Technical Support.

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