Running Kaspersky Scan Engine in HTTP mode manually

You can run the kavhttpd service by manually executing the kavhttpd binary file.

The following options are available when the kavhttpd service is run manually:

Options for running the kavhttpd binary file



-c <path>

Optional parameter.

Specifies the path to the HTTP mode configuration file.

The path can be absolute or relative. Relative path is specified relative to the current working directory.

The default path to the configuration file is ./kavhttpd.xml.

-p <path>

Optional parameter.

Specifies the path to the PID file.

The path can be absolute or relative. Relative path is specified relative to the current working directory.


Optional parameter.

Runs the kavhttpd service in watchdog mode.

In this mode, the kavhttpd service automatically restarts if it freezes or crashes.


Optional parameter.

Enables nodaemon mode for the kavhttpd service.

Specifying this parameter forces the kavhttpd service to run in foreground.


Optional parameter.

Shows the Kaspersky Scan Engine version.


Optional parameter.

Shows Help.

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