Using the sample HTTP client

This section explains how to use the sample HTTP client from the command line. The sample HTTP client is located in %service_dir%/bin.

This section explains how to use the executable file of the sample HTTP client. Explaining the implementation of the sample HTTP client is beyond the scope of this documentation. The source code of the sample HTTP client is located in the /samples/kavhttp directory of the Kaspersky Scan Engine distribution package.

About the sample HTTP client

The sample HTTP client is a console application that demonstrates how to implement a client for Kaspersky Scan Engine in HTTP mode. You can also use it to scan files from the console.

The sample HTTP client makes HTTP requests to Kaspersky Scan Engine. It supports TCP connections (Windows and Linux) and UNIX socket connections (Linux only), and can pass file paths or file contents to Kaspersky Scan Engine.

When Kaspersky Scan Engine finishes scanning files, it sends a response to the sample HTTP client. The sample HTTP client prints the scan result to the standard output.

In this section

Syntax and options for the HTTP client

Scanning files over TCP socket in scanfile mode

Syntax examples

Scan results for the HTTP client

HTTP client connection error messages

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