Getting accumulated statistics in ICAP mode

In ICAP mode, Kaspersky Scan Engine collects information about its usage and creates statistics from this data. These statistics are stored on your hard disk. You can view the statistics to monitor trends in the data requested from your network. For example, you can check if users in your network are trying to download a lot of malicious files.

To view accumulated statistics:

  1. Open the directory specified in the TempPath element of the configuration file.
  2. Find the report.json file and open it.

Following is an example of the report.json file.


"statistics": {

"total_requests": 3,

"infected_requests": 3,

"not_scanned_requests": 0,

"error_requests": 0,

"engine_errors": 1,

"processed_data": 204,

"infected_data": 0,

"processed_urls": 1,

"infected_urls": 1



where statistics is an object containing the following accumulated statistics:

Resetting statistics

You can reset accumulated statistics at any time.

To reset accumulated statistics:

  1. Open the directory specified in the TempPath element of the configuration file.
  2. Find the report.json file and delete it.

The kavicapd service will create a new report.json file with all statistics set to 0.

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