Running Kaspersky Scan Engine in ICAP mode with the systemd unit file

You can run the Kaspersky Scan Engine in ICAP mode by using the kavicapd.service unit file for systemd. The unit file allows you to add the kavicapd service to the service startup list and to manage the service manually from the command line.

This section assumes that you want to add the kavicapd service for all users. For information on how to add and manage a service under a specific user, please see the official documentation for systemd and systemctl.

Starting Kaspersky Scan Engine automatically

To start Kaspersky Scan Engine automatically, add kavicapd to the service startup list.

To add kavicapd to the service startup list:

  1. Place the kavicapd.service unit file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory.
  2. If necessary, edit the unit file.
  3. Reload systemd by running the following command:

    systemctl daemon-reload

  4. Make sure that the kavicapd.service unit file is installed by running the following command:

    systemctl list-unit-files

  5. Enable kavicapd to launch when the system starts by running the following command:

    systemctl enable kavicapd.service

Getting the status of the kavicapd service

To get the status of the kavicapd service, run the following command:

service kavicapd status

Remove Kaspersky Scan Engine from the service startup list

To remove kavicapd from the service startup list, run the following command:

systemctl disable kavicapd.service

Managing Kaspersky Scan Engine with systemd from the terminal

To start kavicapd without rebooting the computer, run the following command:

systemctl start kavicapd

To stop kavicapd without rebooting the computer, run the following command:

systemctl stop kavicapd

To update the anti-virus database, run the following command:

systemctl reload kavicapd

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