Format of a response to a scan POST request

If a scan POST request is successfully processed, the response body contains a JSON object with the following fields:


"object": "%SCAN_OBJECT%",

"scanResult": "%SCAN_RESULT%",

"detectionName": "%DETECTED_OBJECT%",

"name": "%SCAN_OBJECT_NAME%",

"containsOfficeMacro": "%IS_MACRO_CONTAINED%",

"subObjectsScanResults": [


"object": "%SCAN_FILE%",

"scanResult": "%SCAN_RESULT%",

"detectionName": "%DETECTED_OBJECT%",

"containsOfficeMacro": "%IS_MACRO_CONTAINED%"




"object": "%SCAN_FILE%",

"scanResult": "%SCAN_RESULT%",

"detectionName": "%DETECTED_OBJECT%",

"containsOfficeMacro": "%IS_MACRO_CONTAINED%"





If a POST scan request is processed with an error, the response body contains a JSON object with a single error field:


"error": "%ERROR_MESSAGE%"


where error contains the description of the error that occurred during the request processing.

Additional fields in KAV protocol version 3.1

The reason field appears only if you use KAV protocol version 3.1. This field specifies the reason why the object is not scanned. This field appears if a request is made to /api/v3.1/scanfile or to /api/v3.1/scanmemory, and if the value of the scanResult field is NON_SCANNED.

Possible values:

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