Configuring Format Recognizer for use in ICAP mode

Format Recognizer is a component that can be used in Kaspersky Scan Engine to recognize and skip files of certain formats during the scanning process. Skipping files increases the processing speed of Kaspersky Scan Engine.

Enabling Format Recognizer

To enable Format Recognizer:

  1. In the ICAP mode configuration file, locate the FormatRecognizerSettings section.

    If this section is missing, add it manually as follows:




  2. Within this section, in the FormatsToSkipScanning list, specify which file formats must not be scanned by Kaspersky Scan Engine, as follows:








  3. For the changes to take effect, restart the kavicapd service with the following command:

    service kavicapd restart

Format Recognizer will start recognizing and skipping files of the formats specified in the FormatsToSkipScanning list. Kaspersky Scan Engine will not scan the skipped files, which will increase its processing speed.

Disabling Format Recognizer

To disable Format Recognizer:

  1. In the ICAP mode configuration file, remove the FormatRecognizerSettings section or leave the FormatsToSkipScanning list empty.
  2. For the changes to take effect, restart the kavicapd service with the following command:

    service kavicapd restart

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