Users settings

This section describes the Users section of the Settings page.

If an error occurred during loading of the web page and the settings are unavailable, reload the page.

The Users section displays the following information:

You can add a new user profile, or edit or delete an existing user profile.

Adding a new user profile

To add a new user profile:

  1. Click the Add new user button to the top right of the user list.

    A User sidebar appears on the right.

  2. Fill in the required fields:
    • Login

      The unique name of the user. This is a mandatory field.

    • Full name

      The full name of the user. This is an optional field.

    • Password

      The password. This is a mandatory field. The value must meet password requirements.

    • Confirm password

      Same as the above. This is a mandatory field.

    • Role

      The role of the user. This is a mandatory field.

  3. If you want Kaspersky Scan Engine to display the local date and time instead of the date and time in UTC, turn on the Use local timezone toggle switch. This change will only affects the user that you are editing.
  4. Click Save.

Editing a user profile

You cannot change the user role for the profile you are currently working under.

To edit a user profile:

  1. On the row with the user profile that you want to change, click the Edit () button.

    A User sidebar appears on the right.

  2. Edit the settings that you need.

    When you change login or password of a user profile, Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI logs out this profile. When you change the role of a user profile, the changes are applied the next time someone logs in with this profile.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting a user profile

You cannot delete the user profile that you are currently working under.

To delete a user profile:

  1. On the row with the user profile that you want to delete, click the Delete () button.

    A Delete user sidebar appears on the right.

  2. Click Confirm.

    When you delete a user profile, Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI logs out this profile.

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