Recommended settings for HTTP mode

This section describes the recommended settings for Kaspersky Scan Engine in HTTP mode.

If you use the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI, specify the recommended parameters as described in the table below.

Recommended settings for HTTP mode in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI

Settings in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI

Recommended settings

Service > Keep-alive connection

See the description of KeepAliveSettings below

Service > Connection timeout

See the description of TimeoutMs in KeepAliveSettings below

Service > Sessions

See the description of MaxHTTPSessionsNum below

Service > Connections

See the description of MaxIncomingConnectionsNum below

Service > Threads

Twice the value of ScannersCount

Service > Processes

Equal to the number of processor cores

Scanning > Enable reputation checking

Turn on the toggle switch

Scanning > Enable Phishing Protection

Turn on the toggle switch

Scanning > Object scan timeout

10000 (10 seconds)

Scanning > Heuristic analysis level


Scanning > Actions on detected objects

See the description of Mode below

Scanning > Size limit for the received file

10343 KB (10.1 MB)

Get an updated value from your TAM at least once a year

Scanning > Maximum depth


Scanning > Types of files to scan

Select the checkbox:

  • Packed objects
  • Archives
  • Emails databases
  • Emails

If you do not use the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI, specify the recommended parameters in the kavhttpd.xml configuration file as described in the table below.

Recommended settings for HTTP mode in the configuration file

Parameter in kavhttpd.xml

Recommended settings


Equal to the number of processor cores


Twice the value of ScannersCount


See the description of MaxIncomingConnectionsNum below


See the description of MaxHTTPSessionsNum below


  • Greater than or equal to the value of MaxHTTPSessionsNum
  • Greater than the ThreadsCount value


10591440 bytes (10.1 MB)

Get an updated value from your TAM at least once a year


Specify the flags:



See the description of Mode below




10000 (10 seconds)


See the description of KeepAliveSettings below


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Service > Processes.

The recommended number of scanning processes is equal to the number of processor cores. For example, if Kaspersky Scan Engine is running on a computer with a 4-core processor, set ScannersCount to 4.

See also subsection "Example of Kaspersky Scan Engine work in HTTP mode depending on the ScannersCount, ThreadsCount, QueueLen, MaxIncomingConnectionsNum, and MaxHTTPSessionsNum settings."


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Service > Threads.

The recommended number of scanning threads depends on the number of scanning processes specified in ScannersCount: the value of ThreadsCount is twice the value of ScannersCount. For example, if Kaspersky Scan Engine is running on a computer with a 4-core processor and ScannersCount is set to 4, set ThreadsCount to 8.

See also the subsection "Example of Kaspersky Scan Engine work in HTTP mode depending on the ScannersCount, ThreadsCount, QueueLen, MaxIncomingConnectionsNum, and MaxHTTPSessionsNum settings."


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Service > Connections.

You can configure this parameter to set the queue length of the incoming TCP connections waiting for connection with HTTPD. See section "Setting up the connection queue in HTTP mode" for connection queue setup details.

For example, you expect, on average, ten simultaneous connections with clients. If MaxHTTPSessionsNum value is set to 10, all 10 connections simultaneously occurred will be accepted by HTTPD for processing. The 11th incoming TCP connection will wait for connection with HTTPD. At least 11 additional connections can wait for HTTPD acceptance, the 12th additional connection will cause an error message. So, when setting the value for MaxIncomingConnectionsNum, consider the value for MaxHTTPSessionNum: the value specified in MaxIncomingConnectionsNum should be multiple times bigger than the value specified in MaxHTTPSessionNum.


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Service > Sessions.

When specifying the value for this parameter, consider the following:

The recommended value is:

See also the subsection "Example of Kaspersky Scan Engine work in HTTP mode depending on the ScannersCount, ThreadsCount, QueueLen, MaxIncomingConnectionsNum, and MaxHTTPSessionsNum settings."


Since the scan tasks are enqueued from all simultaneously open sessions, consider the MaxHTTPSessionsNum settings. The queue length should not be less than the MaxHTTPSessionsNum value. Otherwise, some clients will get an error when opening sessions.

Since the scan tasks are processed by the threads from the queue, the queue length should not be less than the number of threads in ThreadsCount. Otherwise, some threads will be not in use.

The recommended QueueLen value is:

See also the subsection "Example of Kaspersky Scan Engine work in HTTP mode depending on the ScannersCount, ThreadsCount, QueueLen, MaxIncomingConnectionsNum, and MaxHTTPSessionsNum settings."


During scanning, HTTPD loads the files into the system memory. The greater the file size and the number of active sessions, the more system memory is consumed. The value specified should be less than the RAM size.

To increase performance, you can specify the maximum size of HTTP messages sent to HTTPD and set the value to 10591440 bytes (10.1 MB). This value provides detecting most of the malware.

If you have followed the recommendation above, we also recommend consulting with your Technical Account Manager (TAM) once a year to get an updated recommended value, as the average malware size changes from year to year.


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Scanning > Types of files to scan, Settings > Scanning > Heuristic analysis level and Settings > Scanning > Enable reputation checking.

The recommended value for Flags is the following:


If the KAV_SHT_ENGINE_KSN flag is used, it is also recommended to enable Phishing Protection by using one of the following ways:

Phishing Protection is useful when Kaspersky Scan Engine checks URLs.


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Scanning > Actions on detected objects.

If it is expected to specify the object local path (request scanfile to scan a local file), specify the following:

Specify KAV_SKIP in all other cases.


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Scanning > Maximum depth.

We recommend that you limit the maximum depth of nested archives to be unpacked during scanning. The recommended value for MaxArchivesScanningDepth is 5.


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Scanning > Object scan timeout.

You can set a timeout for all operations in a session: connection with a client, data receipt, and object checking. Timeout configuring can be used with the X-KAV-Timeout header (see Setting the session timeout).

Setting the timeout allows the following:

Initially, HTTPD receives the data, and then loads the files into the system memory during scanning. The greater the file size and the number of active sessions, the more system memory is consumed. To increase performance, you can specify the maximum size of HTTP messages sent to HTTPD (see MaxTCPFileSize above) and limit the session time in SessionTimeout. This will allow you to skip the large objects or objects requiring a long time for scanning.

Before setting a value to SessionTimeout, we recommend that you estimate the expected number of HTTP clients requesting the HTTPD, as well as probable length of the incoming TCP connections queue.

Generally, the default value for SessionTimeout is 10000 (10 seconds).


This parameter in the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI: Settings > Service > Keep-alive connection.

We recommend enabling Keep-Alive. When Keep-Alive is enabled, Kaspersky Scan Engine maintains a persistent connection even after the request has been processed and the session timed out. This gives the following advantages:

Keep-Alive is especially useful for HTTPS connections that require more CPU time and more client-server interactions.

To enable Keep-Alive, set the Enabled element in KeepAliveSettings to 1.

To determine the values for TimeoutMs and MaxRequests, estimate the number of clients and the number of requests from clients.

For example, you have estimated that the maximum number of clients is 10, so you set MaxHTTPSessionsNum to 10. If TimeoutMs and MaxRequests are unlimited, and all 10 clients send requests continuously, Kaspersky Scan Engine maintains connections with these 10 clients without limits. As a result, new connections cannot be accepted by HTTPD for processing.

Another example. You have estimated that the maximum number of clients is 10, so you set MaxHTTPSessionsNum to 10. You have also estimated that the maximum number of requests from one client is 15, so you set MaxRequests to 15. If you did not set the limit for TimeoutMs, and clients do not send 15 requests, Kaspersky Scan Engine maintains connections with these 10 clients without limits, so new connections cannot be accepted by HTTPD for processing.

Example of Kaspersky Scan Engine work in HTTP mode depending on the ScannersCount, ThreadsCount, QueueLen, MaxIncomingConnectionsNum, and MaxHTTPSessionsNum settings

Let's say Kaspersky Scan Engine is installed on a computer with four CPU cores, there are 15 simultaneous connections to this computer, and Kaspersky Scan Engine is configured as follows:

In this case:

  1. Five out of fifteen clients will be enqueued for connection.
  2. Ten sessions will open for ten clients.
  3. Ten open sessions will form a queue of scan tasks. If the number of scan tasks surpass the value of QueueLen, the client will receive the error 503 - Service overloaded.
  4. Kaspersky Scan Engine runs four scanning processes.
  5. Four scanning processes create eight threads for simultaneous processing of eight scan tasks from the queue (one thread for one scan task).
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