Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security via Kaspersky Security Center

You can install Kaspersky Endpoint Security on a computer remotely using Kaspersky Security Center, by means of the Administration Console or Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be deployed on the computers within the corporate network in several ways:

For remote installation, Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package is used. An installation package is a set of files created for remote installation of a Kaspersky applications using Kaspersky Security Center. The installation package contains a range of settings needed to install the application and get it running immediately after installation. The installation package is created using files with the .kpd and .kud extensions included in the application distribution kit. Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package is common for all supported operating systems and processor architecture types.

Kaspersky Security Center also supports other methods for installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security, such as deployment within an operating system image. You can choose the most suitable deployment scenario for your organization or combine several deployment scenarios at the same time. For details about other deployment methods, refer to Kaspersky Security Center documentation.

To manage the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed on computers using Kaspersky Security Center, assign these computers to the administration groups. Before starting Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation, you can create Kaspersky Security Center administration groups to which you want to move the computers with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, and configure the rules to automatically move computers to these administration groups. If the rules for moving computers to administration groups are not configured, Kaspersky Security Center moves the computers detected in the network after Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation to the Unassigned devices list. In this case, you need to manually move computers to the administration groups (refer to Kaspersky Security Center documentation for details).

In this section

Creating the application installation package

Autoinstall.ini configuration file settings

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