Uninstalling the app

We recommend using the Kaspersky Internet Security menu to uninstall the app.

If Privacy Protection is turned on and you are uninstalling Kaspersky Internet Security through Android device settings, you must turn off Privacy Protection manually. Otherwise, all hidden data may be deleted. If you use the Kaspersky Internet Security menu to uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security, Privacy Protection is turned off automatically.

To uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security:

  1. Open Kaspersky Internet Security.
  2. Tap Settings > Settings > Uninstall the app.
  3. On the Uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security screen, tap Next.
  4. If needed, enter the app secret code.

    The app requests the secret code if the Uninstallation protection checkbox is selected in the Anti-Theft settings.

  5. Confirm the uninstallation of Kaspersky Internet Security.

Kaspersky Internet Security will be uninstalled.

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