During Kaspersky Security installation, services of MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS will need to be restarted. Services will be restarted automatically without additional prompts.
Kaspersky Security is installed using a setup wizard that guides the user through every step of the setup process. The Back and Next buttons can be used to navigate between the screens of the Setup Wizard. The Cancel button allows you to exit the setup wizard.
Before running the application installation, make sure that you have completed all the required preparations.
During Kaspersky Security installation, the Setup Wizard adds the account of the computer running the installation to the KSE Administrators group in Active Directory. You will have to add the computer account to the KSE Administrators group if you need to manage Kaspersky Security through Kaspersky Security Center.
To run the application installation:
run the setup.exe file from the application installation package.
This opens the welcome window of the Installation Wizard.