Managing the DLP Module

Acting as the application administrator, you can activate and deactivate the DLP Module in your organization, as well as redefine its settings, such as the settings of the DLP query server controller and the settings for connection to the DLP database. Kaspersky Security allows managing those settings in centralized mode for the entire organization without having to switch between different Security Servers and configure the DLP Module on each Security Server individually.

DLP query controller server

One of the security Servers with DLP Module installed at the organization is the DLP query controller server. This Security Server performs tasks related to preventing data leaks such as the creation of categories or the drawing up of reports. All requests from Management Consoles of security officers are processed by this server.

By default, the DLP query controller server is the first corporate Security Server on which the DLP Module was installed during application installation or upgrade. You can assign another Administration Server with the DLP Module installed as a DLP query controller server.

DLP database

The application saves data on categories, policies, and incidents in the dedicated SQL database – the DLP database.

The DLP database can be stored locally on one computer with the Security Server or on a remote computer on the corporate LAN.

Kaspersky Security does not encrypt data transmitted between the Security Server and the DLP database. When the DLP database is hosted on a remote computer, you have to manually encrypt data transmitted via communication channels if such encryption is required by the information security policy of your company.

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