Archiving incidents

Archive files can contain confidential data. To ensure the confidentiality of archived data, the instance of an archive being created is logged on the Security Server. Contact the administrator for additional information.

To archive incidents:

  1. In the Management Console tree, select the Incidents node.
  2. Click the Archive button.

    The Incident Archiving Wizard starts. The first window of the Wizard shows the number of incidents that can be archived and the number of incidents that cannot be archived.

    Only closed incidents, i.e. incidents with Closed (<reason>) status, can be archived. If there are no such incidents in the list, archiving is impossible.

    Incidents that had been previously archived and then restored in the list of incidents cannot be archived again. Such incidents have the (archived) attribute in the Status field. The Wizard skips them during the archiving sequence.

  3. If the Wizard has not found closed incidents in the list, they may have been hidden according to the filtering conditions. In this case, stop the Wizard by clicking Cancel. Then cancel the filter or modify the filtering criteria and restart the Incident Archiving Wizard.
  4. Click the Browse button, and in the window that opens enter the archive file name and destination folder.
  5. Click the Next button.

    An archive file with the specified name is created in the destination folder. Closed incidents from the list are moved to the archive. The number of archived and skipped incidents is displayed in the Wizard window.

    The following event is logged in the Windows Event Log on the Security Server: "Level=Warning; Source=KSCM8; Event ID=16013", with the following text: Security officer has created an archive of incidents

    Contact the administrator for additional information.

  6. Click the Finish button to close the Wizard.

Incidents moved to the archive are removed from the list of incidents.

The application does not factor in incidents that have been archived when generating reports and statistics.

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