Changing incident status

You can change the incident status in two ways:

To change the status of incidents in the list of incidents:

  1. In the Management Console tree, select the Incidents node.

    A table with a list of incidents appears in the workspace.

  2. Perform one of the following steps:
    • To change the status of all incidents in the list, click the Change status button and select the All incidents item.

      The status of incidents hidden according to the filtering criteria is not changed.

    • To change the status of certain incidents:
      1. Check the incidents whose status you want to change in the list of incidents. You can select one or several incidents.
      2. Click the Change status button and select Selected incidents. You can also perform this operation using the context menu.

    The Changing status dialog will appear.

  3. In the Status drop-down list, select the status tag to be assigned to incidents.
  4. An incident status change may be accompanied by a comment. To add a comment, enter the comment text in the Comment field.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

    If you choose to change the status of several or all incidents, a window requesting your confirmation opens.

  6. In the window that opens, confirm the status change by clicking Yes.

The status of the selected incidents changes. A comment is added to the selected incidents if you entered the comment text.

Information about the change of the status of each incident and incident comments are saved in the history of incident changes. A history of incident changes is available in the incident details window.

To change the incident status in the window with incident details:

  1. In the Management Console tree, select the Incidents node.

    A table with a list of incidents appears in the workspace.

  2. In the list, select the incident of which you want to change the status. Click the View button or select the View item in the context menu of the incident.

    The Incident details window with incident details opens.

  3. On the Browse tab, click the Change button located in the Status field.

    The Changing status dialog will appear.

  4. In the Status drop-down list, select the status tag to be assigned to the incident.
  5. An incident status change may be accompanied by a comment. If you want to add a comment, enter the relevant text in the Comment field on the History tab.
  6. Click OK to save the changes.
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