Adding comments to incidents

You can add comments to incidents. This can be useful when you need to save additional incident information while investigating incidents.

You can add comments in two ways:

To add comments to incidents in the list of incidents:

  1. In the Management Console tree, select the Incidents node.

    A table with a list of incidents appears in the workspace.

  2. To add comments to all incidents in the list, click the Change status button and select the All incidents item.

    Comments are not added to incidents that are hidden according to the filtering criteria.

  3. To add comments to specific incidents:
    1. Check the incidents to which you want to add comments in the list of incidents. You can select one or several incidents.
    2. Click the Change status button and select Selected incidents. You can also perform this operation using the context menu.

    The Changing status dialog will appear.

  4. Type the comment text in the Comment field.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.
  6. If you are adding a comment to several or all incidents, click Yes in the window that opens.

The comment is added to the selected incidents.

Comments added to each incident are saved in the history of incident changes. A history of incident changes is available in the incident details window.

To add a comment to an incident in the window with incident details:

  1. In the Management Console tree, select the Incidents node.

    A table with a list of incidents appears in the workspace.

  2. In the list, select the incident to which you want to add a comment. Click the View button or select the View item in the context menu of the incident.

    The Incident details window with incident details opens.

  3. On the History tab, enter the comment text in the Comment field.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.
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