Sending incident details to your own email address

Messages attached to incidents may contain confidential data. To ensure confidentiality, the instance of delivery of incident details is recorded on the Security Server. Contact the administrator for additional information.

To send incident details to your own email address:

  1. In the Management Console tree, select the Incidents node.

    A table with a list of incidents appears in the workspace.

  2. Select an incident in the list. Click the View button or select the View item in the context menu of the incident.

    The Incident details window with detailed information about the selected incident opens.

  3. Click the Actions button on the right from the Subject field and select Send incident to yourself.

Incident details are sent to your email address. If a message is attached to the incident, it is also sent to your email address as an attachment.

The following event is logged in the Windows Event Log on the Security Server: "Level=Warning; Source=KSCM8; Event ID=16014", with the following text: Security officer attempted to send the incident to own email address.

If your mailbox is unavailable, an error message is displayed.

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