The application upgrade must meet the following requirements:
It is recommended to upgrade the application in a sequence on all Security Servers and Management Console deployed on the corporate network. If the application upgrade has failed on any Security Server, you will be able to connect to this Security Server only using the Management Console of the previous version.
It is recommended to upgrade the application on Microsoft Exchange servers running within a DAG configuration as quick as possible.
If your organization uses the DLP Module, we recommend that you start upgrading the application with the Security Server, which acts as the DLP request controller. You are advised to then upgrade the application on the Security Officer's Management Console, and then on all remaining Security Servers and Management Consoles.
SQL server hosting the application database must remain accessible during the upgrade procedure. Otherwise the upgrade will fail.
In order for the application to work properly, TCP port 13100 must be opened on all computers where the application will be upgraded as well as along the path of data transmission between them.
During the update procedure the application's Setup Wizard accesses the application's database. The account for which the upgrade procedure is planned must have the following access rights:
To the database: db_owner role.
The user account under which the application update is planned, must be included in the Domain Admins group.