Excluding messages from filtering by recipients.
If this check box is selected, you can specify recipients that will be added to the list of exclusions during attachment filtering. The application does not scan attachments that were sent to email addresses specified in the list of exclusions. You can create a list of email addresses of recipients, using the entry field and the buttons listed below.
You can add both individual e-mail addresses (for example, user@mail.com) and address masks (for example, *@domain.net) to the list.
The following buttons are designed for creating a list:
- add the record from the entry field to the list.
– remove the selected record from the list.
– export the list to a file.
– import the list from a file.
If the check box is cleared, the entry field, buttons, and the list are unavailable.
The check box is cleared by default.
The file with the list you are importing must contain xml tags used by Kaspersky Security. You can copy tags from the list of email addresses that has been exported to file.