Viewing the statistics of the Anti-Spam module

Users who have been assigned one of the following roles can view the statistics of the Anti-Spam module in Windows PowerShell:

To view the statistics of the Anti-Spam module:

  1. Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
  2. Run command:

    Get-KSEASServerStatistics -ServerFqdn <server name> -From <interval start> -To <interval end>


    • <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address.
    • <interval start> is the starting date of the interval for which you need to view the statistics.
    • <interval end> is the ending date of the interval for which you need to view the statistics.

Windows PowerShell displays the following information details:

If the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers (KSCM8) service is not yet running, the Get-KSEASServerStatistics command returns System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException.

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