步骤 2。查看有关安装开始的信息。阅读最终用户授权许可协议和隐私策略

在“安装向导”窗口的此步骤中,查看有关开始在计算机上安装 Kaspersky Security 的信息,然后单击下一步按钮打开包含最终用户授权许可协议和隐私策略文本的窗口。最终用户授权许可协议是应用程序使用者和卡巴斯基之间的一项协议。隐私策略描述了如何处理用户的个人数据以及如何保持该数据的机密性。

请通过选中相应的复选框来确认您已完全阅读、理解并接受I confirm that I have fully read, understand and accept the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement和I am aware and agree that my data will be handled and transmitted (including to third countries) as described in the Privacy Policy. I confirm that I have fully read and understand the Privacy Policy。

如果您不接受最终用户授权许可协议和隐私策略的条款,您将无法安装 Kaspersky Security。
