Running the remote diagnostics of an application and downloading the results

To start diagnostics for an application on a remote device and download the results:

  1. Open the remote diagnostics window of a client device.
  2. In the remote diagnostics window, click Remote diagnostics.
  3. In the Statuses and logs window that opens, select the Kaspersky applications section.

    This opens the list of Kaspersky applications installed on the device.

  4. In the list of applications, select the application for which you want to run remote diagnostics.

    The list of remote diagnostics options is displayed.

  5. In the Diagnostics report section of the list, click the Run diagnostics button.

    This starts the remote diagnostics process and generates a diagnostics report. When the diagnostics process is complete, the Download diagnostics report button becomes available.

  6. Download the report by clicking the Download diagnostics report button.

The report is downloaded to the location that you specified.

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