Working with Amazon RDS

This section describes which actions must be taken to prepare a database of Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for Kaspersky Security Center, place it in an option group, create an IAM role for working with an RDS database, prepare an S3 bucket for storage, and migrate an existing database to RDS.

Amazon RDS is a web service that helps AWS users to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the AWS cloud environment. If you want, you can use an Amazon RDS database to work with Kaspersky Security Center.

You can work with the following databases:

In this section

Creating an Amazon RDS instance

Creating option group for Amazon RDS instance

Modifying the option group

Modifying permissions for IAM role for Amazon RDS database instance

Preparing Amazon S3 bucket for database

Migrating the database to Amazon RDS

See also:

Scenario: Deployment for a cloud environment

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