At this step you can change the password for the klconfig user account (configuration password) and the root account password. The specified passwords will be used on all SVMs that you deploy after re-registration of Kaspersky Security services, and on previously deployed SVMs. The configuration password is required to change SVM settings. The root account is used for accessing the operating system on SVMs and for accessing SVM trace files.
If you want to change the configuration password:
If you want to change the root user account password:
The passwords should be up to 60 characters long. You can use only letters of the Latin alphabet (uppercase and lowercase letters), numerals, and the following special characters: ! # $ % & ' ( ) * " + , - . / \ : ; < = > _ ? @ [ ] ^ ` { | } ~
. For security purposes, you are advised to set passwords that are at least 8 characters long and use at least three of the four categories of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals, and special characters.
Proceed to the next step of the wizard.
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