Adding devices to the Trusted list based on the mask of the device ID

In Kaspersky Security Center, you can add devices to the trusted list based on a mask of their IDs.

By default, when a device is added to the list of trusted devices, access to the device is granted to all users (the Everyone group of users).

To add devices to the Trusted list based on the mask of their ID:

  1. Open Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder of the console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant protected virtual machines belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select a Light Agent for Windows policy in the list of policies and open the Properties: <Policy name> by double-clicking.
  5. In the Light Agent for Windows policy properties window, select the Device Control section in the list on the left.

    In the right part of the window, the Device Control component's settings are displayed.

  6. Select the Trusted devices tab.
  7. Click the Add button.

    The context menu of the button opens.

  8. In the context menu of the Add button, select the Adding a rule by mask item.

    This opens the Adding trusted devices by ID mask window.

  9. In the Mask field, enter a device ID mask.
  10. If necessary, enter a brief comment in the Comment field.
  11. Click the Select button.

    The standard Select Users or Groups window in Microsoft Windows opens.

  12. Specify the users and/or groups of users for whom Kaspersky Security should recognize devices whose models or IDs meet the specified mask as trusted devices.

    The names of users and / or groups of users that are specified in the Select users and / or groups of users window are displayed in the Allow to users and / or groups of users field.

  13. In the Adding trusted devices by ID mask window, click OK.

    In the table of devices on the Trusted devices tab a line appears with the settings of the rule for adding devices to the list of trusted devices by the mask of their IDs.

  14. Click the Apply button.
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