Viewing a report on the most frequently triggered System Integrity Monitoring rules

Report on the most frequently triggered System Integrity Monitoring rules in the Administration Console

To view the report on the most frequently triggered System Integrity Monitoring rules in the Administration Console:

  1. Open Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the workspace of the Administration Server node, go to the Reports tab.
  3. Click the Create a report template button to start the New Report Template Wizard.
  4. Follow the wizard instructions.
  5. In the Selecting the report template type window in the Other section, select 10 System Integrity Monitoring rules that were most frequently triggered on devices.
  6. After creating a report template, select it in the list of templates on the Reports tab.

The report will be displayed in the workspace.

The Period field shows the reporting period covered by the report. By default, the report is generated for the last 30 days, which includes the report generation date.

The report consists of two tables:

You can customize display of the columns for each table. For details on how to add or remove columns in the report tables please refer to Kaspersky Security Center help.

The summary table contains the following information:

The detailed table contains the following information:

Report on the most frequently triggered System Integrity Monitoring rules in the Web Console

To create a template of a report on the most frequently triggered System Integrity Monitoring rules in the Web Console:

  1. Start the Web Console.
  2. In the Monitoring and Reports section, select Reports.
  3. Click the Add button above the list of report templates.
  4. In the window that opens, in the Report name field, specify the name of the created report template and in the Report type section in the Other subsection select the Top 10 File Operations Monitoring/System Integrity Monitoring rules most frequently triggered on devices type.
  5. In the Scope window, specify the devices information on which is to be displayed in the report.
  6. In the Report period window, specify the time interval data for which is to be displayed in the report.
  7. In the Report created window, do one of the following:
    • Click the Save and run button to start generating the report.
    • Click the Save button to save the report template.

The created report template will be displayed in the workspace.

To view the report on the most frequently triggered System Integrity Monitoring rules in the Web Console:

  1. Start the Web Console.
  2. In the Monitoring and Reports section, select Reports.

    A list of report templates opens.

  3. Select the check box next to the name of the report template of the Top 10 File Operations Monitoring/System Integrity Monitoring rules most frequently triggered on devices type.
  4. Click the View report button.

The report window opens.

The report has two tabs:

You can customize the displayed columns in tables on the report tabs. For details on how to add or remove columns in the report tables please refer to Kaspersky Security Center help.

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