Special considerations when converting policies and tasks if the application is upgraded

The converted policies and tasks use the settings of policies and tasks of the previous version of Kaspersky Security. The settings that were not configured in the policies and tasks of the previous version of the application take default values in the converted policies and tasks.

Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 5.1 Light Agent and Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 5.0 Light Agent do not use multicast to transmit SVM information to Light Agents. SVMs relay information about themselves to the Integration Server. If SVM discovery using multicast was configured in the policies of Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 4.0 Light Agent, after upgrading the application you must configure the settings for connecting SVMs to the Integration Server in the Protection Server policy and the settings for SVM discovery by Light Agents in the Light Agent for Windows policy and/or in the Light Agent for Linux policy.

After upgrading Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 4.0 Light Agent, the Application Startup Control component works with the default settings because the functionality of the component was changed in later versions of the application. It is recommended to configure the Application Startup Control settings in the Light Agent for Windows policy.

After upgrading Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 5.0 Light Agent, the Application Startup Control component operates in white list mode and contains rules that were created for the white list, while the black list contains no rules.

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