Creating custom templates

You can create your own phishing campaign email template. All you need to do is create a copy of a ready-made template and make the changes you want.

To create a custom email template for a phishing campaign:

  1. In the application web interface, select the Phishing simulator section → Email templates.
  2. In the line with the ready-made template you want to use to create your template, click the menu icon on the right side of the screen and select Create copy in the menu that opens.

    The page with template settings opens.

    If you want the email to have a phishing QR code, create emails using the template with QR codes specified as the type of attack.

  3. If required, you can change the following settings:
    • General information settings.
      • Name — the name of the template displayed in the admin's web interface and is not shown to users.
      • Topic – the topic users will get based on the template.
      • Sender name — the sender name that users will see in the received message.
      • Email editing language — the language of the template.
    • Sender domain parameter section.
      • Domain type — a drop-down list where you can choose between preset and custom domain types:
        • System — you can select the domain of the sender's address and phishing link from among the preset domains.

          Phishing emails using templates with such domains can only be sent to users who have accepted the user agreement.

        • Custom — you can select the domain of the sender's address and phishing link from among the domains added to the company. Domains need to be verified.

          Phishing emails using templates with such domains can be sent to all users of your domains. Acceptance of the user agreement is not required.

      • Available domains — a drop-down list of domains on behalf of which phishing emails will be sent.
      • Sender email – the email of the sender displayed in the email received by users.
    • Phishing domain parameter section.
      • Phishing domain – the web address users will be redirected to when clicking a phishing link in an email.

        You can add a link to the email template in the Content section by using the button phishing_link.

    • Categories section.

      Category – the tags used by the admin to filter available templates.

      Add and remove categories of a phishing email template

    • File attachment settings:

      You can attach up to 10 malicious files to phishing emails. If users open them, it will be recorded in the phishing campaign statistics on the company dashboard.

      Add and delete attachments

  4. Click the Continue button.

    The Contents page opens.

  5. If required, you can change the email text:
    • In addition to standard text editing tools, this window has a number of additional features:
      • emoji_add – use this button to add emojis to the email.
      • phishing_link – use this button to add a phishing link to the email. You can change the link text when adding it. The domain the user will be sent to when clicking this link must be selected in the SettingsDomains section.
      • fill_with_color – use this button to change the text or fill to any available color.
      • template – use this button to add variables to the email text. For example, variables for the recipient name, date, or custom fields for your company.
    • If you're making your own phishing email template based on a template with the QR code attack type, this window shows the location in the email where the user will see the QR code. You can't change the position or size of the QR code, but you can select a different email template to put the QR code where you want it.
    • You can change the images uploaded to the email template by clicking them and selecting the image file you want.

      Uploaded files can't exceed 500 KB. Supported formats: .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .svg.

  6. Click the Create email button.

The template will be created and displayed in the Email templates tab of the Custom section.

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