About data provision

View information about the data provided to Kaspersky while using previous versions of the app.

Data provided to Kaspersky by using Kaspersky Battery Life 1.10.0.XXX and later

To comply with legislation, you agree to automatically provide the following information:

For the purpose of improving the quality of the app and analyzing user satisfaction, you agree to automatically provide the following information:

To improve operational protection, you agree to automatically provide the following information:

To ensure the uninterrupted operation of the Software the provider of the Third-Party services has to process and receive the following information about the license You have acquired, and the Computer where You will install the application, specifically:

The Rightholder is not responsible for the processing of data when You use the Third-Party services. By using the Software to access and/or use third-party services, you are responsible for acquainting yourself with the data processing rules and procedures described in the privacy policy of the provider of the Third-Party services.

The provider of the Third-Party service processes information in accordance with its privacy policy. You can find and read its complete content at https://try.crashlytics.com/terms/.

The Rightholder also processes data in a form that does not, on its own, permit direct association with any specific individual. You can find the list of such data and purposes of their processing by visiting help.kaspersky.com, selecting the software, and viewing its respective "Data provision" section.

If You decide not to provide the information necessary for the Rightholder to perform its obligations under this License Agreement as indicated in the Section "Conditions regarding data processing," You do not agree to the conditions of this License Agreement. In this case, please discontinue installation and/or remove the Software.

When You provide Your data through the Software to the Rightholder, the Rightholder handles it according to its Privacy Policy, which describes, in particular, the manner by which the Rightholder protects Your data, where the Rightholder processes Your data, and your rights as the data subject. You can find and read its complete content at www.kaspersky.com/Products-and-Services-Privacy-Policy.

For marketing purpose You agree to submit the following data to AppsFlyer service automatically:

Data is forwarded to AppsFlyer over a secure channel. Access to information and its protection is governed by the relevant terms of use of AppsFlyer services.

To improve application performance, you agree to submit the following data to Crashlytics service automatically:

The data to be processed depend on which application store You use.

To improve application performance and help us analyze user satisfaction, you agree to submit the following data to Firebase and BigQuery services automatically:

To improve application performance and help us analyze user satisfaction, You agree to submit the following data to Huawei service automatically:

Data is forwarded to Huawei over a secure channel. Information about how data is processed in Huawei is published at: https://consumer.huawei.com/en/privacy/privacy-policy/.

Data is forwarded to AppsFlyer, Firebase, BigQuery, and Crashlytics over a secure channel.

Access to information and its protection is governed by the relevant terms of use of AppsFlyer, Firebase, BigQuery, and Crashlytics services.

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