CyberTrace Web troubleshooting

This section provides information to help you solve problems that you might encounter when using Kaspersky CyberTrace Web.

If you encounter a problem while using Kaspersky CyberTrace Web, the specialists at Kaspersky can assist you. Contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) for more information about solutions to problems.

Problem: I forgot my password

To solve this problem, try the following actions:

Problem: A white screen is displayed when CyberTrace Web is opened in a browser

A possible reason for this problem is the use of an unsupported browser. Please check that you use a supported browser.

Problem: "Could not update feeds" error message is displayed when updating feeds manually

To solve this problem, try the following actions:

Problem: Untrusted connection error when connecting to Kaspersky CyberTrace Web

The SSL certificates that are generated during the installation of CyberTrace are self-signed, and so the browser you use informs you about an untrusted connection.

To solve this problem, try the following actions:

Problem: The SSL certificate has expired

The SSL certificates that are generated during the installation of CyberTrace are valid for two years. If the certificates expire, you must generate new certificates.

To solve this problem, try the following actions:

Problem: An error occurred while searching for indicators from a log file or file hashes

There are several possible reasons for this error:

Problem: Cannot sign in to Kaspersky CyberTrace after it is updated

To solve this problem, try the following actions:

Problem: Information about detected hashes is not displayed on the dashboard

A possible reason for this problem is that the date and time settings of the end user's computer differ from those on the server where Kaspersky CyberTrace is running, and the time difference is too large. The time difference must not be more than 30 minutes.

To solve the problem, change the date and time settings so that they are correct. You can use an NTP server to get the correct date and time.

Problem: In the Matching > Edit default rules section, the incoming events are not displayed, and the Start collecting events and Restart collecting events buttons do not function.

To solve this problem, update KIS to version on Windows, or KES to version 11.8 on Windows/MAC.

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