About output format settings

Feed Service uses output settings defined in the OutputSettings element to create outgoing events.

Elements that define the format for outgoing events

Four elements define the format for outgoing events:

All of the above elements are strings in which values substitute for patterns. For example, the %Date% pattern is substituted with the current time stamp.

Patterns for OutputSettings > RecordFieldContextFormat

OutputSettings > RecordFieldContextFormat uses the following patterns:

The following is an example of OutputSettings > RecordFieldContextFormat:

<RecordFieldContextFormat><![CDATA[ %ParamName%=%ParamValue%]]></RecordFieldContextFormat>

For a feed with the "Ip" and "Geo" fields, this example will produce the following output string (note the space symbol between the data of the two fields): "Ip= Geo=ru,br,ua,cz,us"

Patterns for OutputSettings > ActionableFieldContextFormat

OutputSettings > ActionableFieldContextFormat uses the following patterns:

The following is an example of OutputSettings > ActionableFieldContextFormat:

<ActionableFieldContextFormat><![CDATA[ %ParamName%:%ParamValue%]]></ActionableFieldContextFormat>

Patterns for OutputSettings > EventFormat

OutputSettings > EventFormat uses the following patterns:

The following is an example of the OutputSettings > EventFormat element:

<EventFormat>%Date% category=%Category% url=%RE_URL% ip=%RE_IP% md5=%RE_MD5% sha1=%RE_SHA1% sha256=%RE_SHA256% usrName=%RE_USERNAME%%RecordContext%</EventFormat>

The OutputSettings > AlertFormat element uses the following patterns:

Patterns for OutputSettings > EventFormat (ArcSight)

Feed Service sends service events in CEF format, and so the value contained in the AlertFormat element must comply with the requirements of this format.

In the EventFormat element, specify the following string:

<EventFormat><![CDATA[CEF:0|Kaspersky Lab|Kaspersky CyberTrace for ArcSight|2.0|2|CyberTrace Detection Event|8| reason=%Category% dst=%DST_IP% src=%DeviceIp% fileHash=%RE_HASH% request=%RE_URL% sourceServiceName=%Device% sproc=%Product% suser=%UserName% msg=CyberTrace detected %Category% externalId=%Id% %ActionableFields% cs5Label=MatchedIndicator cs5=%MatchedIndicator% cs6Label=Context cs6=%RecordContext%]]></EventFormat>


In the AlertFormat element, specify the following string:

<AlertFormat><![CDATA[CEF:0|Kaspersky Lab|Kaspersky CyberTrace for ArcSight|2.0|1|CyberTrace Service Event|4| reason=%Alert% msg=%RecordContext%]]></AlertFormat>


Patterns for OutputSettings > EventFormat (RSA NetWitness)

The values of the OutputSettings > EventFormat and OutputSettings > AlertFormat elements must correspond to the event formats set in the v20_cybertracemsg.xml file. So if you change the values of these elements, edit the v20_cybertracemsg.xml file accordingly.

The following is an example of the OutputSettings > EventFormat element:

<EventFormat><![CDATA[<232>%CyberTrace:MATCH_EVENT category=%Category%,detected=%MatchedIndicator%,url=%RE_URL%,hash=%RE_HASH%,dst=%DST_IP%,src=%SRC_IP%,dvc=%DeviceIp%,dev_name=%Device%,dev_action=%DeviceAction%,user=%UserName%,actF:%ActionableFields%,context=%RecordContext%]]></EventFormat>


Types of alert events

The following types of alert events can be sent:

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