Filtering rules for feeds

The Filtering rules for feeds section on the Feeds tab (under Settings) allows you to specify filtering rules for feeds. Note that the filtering rules that you specify are applied to the feeds after they are updated, not to the current feeds.

In the Filtering rules for feeds section, you can do the following:

The Filtering rules for feeds section has three tabs:

The Request access to all feeds link near each Kaspersky demo feed indicates that you can use custom feeds in addition to the Kaspersky demo feeds. The link redirects you to the Request Kaspersky Threat Intelligence form, where you can subscribe to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal and get commercial feeds, which have a higher level of protection.

Defining filtering criteria for numeric values

Numeric values are integers. Decimal values are not supported.

In the Filtering rules subsection, in the Value text box, you can define filtering criteria for numeric fields in the following ways:

Defining filtering criteria for strings

In the Filtering rules subsection, in the Value text box, you can define filtering criteria for string fields in the following ways:

Defining filtering criteria for dates

Date values in feeds are formatted either in the pattern "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm" (for example, "26.04.2014 18:00") or in the pattern "M/d/y h:mm:ss tt" (for example, "4/26/2014 6:00:00 PM"). The "M/d/y h:mm:ss tt" pattern is used in P-SMS Trojan Data Feed.

Only the date part of the value is used in filtering; hours and minutes are ignored.

In the Filtering rules subsection, in the Value text box, you can define filtering criteria for date fields in the following ways:

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