About event sources

The regular expressions and event normalizing rules specified in the configuration file are grouped by event sources that are represented by Source elements. Usually these event sources are devices that issue events which afterward are checked by Feed Service. Every Source element contains a set of rules. There can be one or more Source elements in the InputSettings > RegExps element.

A Source element has the following attributes:

The way of how Feed Service chooses rules from different Source elements is described in the following flow chart.


Choosing a rule

Note that event normalizing rules are applied first, and regular expressions are applied afterwards.

The regular expressions of the default event source for finding URLs, IP addresses, and hashes are universal, that is, they can be used for parsing events issued by most devices. They can be used for parsing events that contain multiple URLs, but cannot be used, for example, for parsing events that contain URLs with no protocol specified. The use of universal regular expressions lowers the performance of Feed Service compared to use of device-specific regular expressions. Also, the universal regular expressions do not handle the dispersal, in an event, of different parts of a URL (for example, the host and the path). The universal regular expressions for finding hashes can extract symbol sequences that actually are not hashes.

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