Configuring the Quarantine file task

If you suspect that an infected or probably infected file is on the computer, you can isolate it by moving it to quarantine.

Task creation is performed before, as an individual step.

If you selected the Open task properties window after creation check box on the Finish creating the task page during the task creation, proceed to step 4 of the following instruction.

To configure the Quarantine file task settings:

  1. In the main Kaspersky Security Center Web Console window select DevicesTasks.
  2. To open the task settings window, click the task name.
  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the Please specify the file to be added to Quarantine drop-down list, select one of the following values: Specify the file by full path or Specify the file by folder path and checksum.
  5. If you select the Specify the file by full path option, specify the full path to the file in the File full path field.
  6. If you select the Specify the file by folder path and checksum option, configure the following settings:
    • In the Checksum type drop-down list, select one of the following values: MD5 or SHA256.
    • Specify the value in the Checksum field.
    • Specify the value in the File folder path field.
  7. Click the Save button.

The created task can be started manually or automatically according to a schedule.

If the file is locked by another process, the task will be displayed with the Completed status, but the file itself will be quarantined only after the device is restarted. It is recommended to check if the task is completed successfully after the device is restarted.

The Quarantine file task may fail with the Access denied error if you try to quarantine an executable file which is currently running. To solve this problem, create the Terminate process task for this file, and try to create the Quarantine file task again.

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