Creating a backup copy of the program in Technical Support Mode

To create a backup copy of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform, run the following command in Technical Support Mode of the server:

kata-backup-restore backup

You can also specify one or multiple parameters for this command (see the table below).

You can use the -h command to receive tips on using parameters.

Parameters of the command for creating a backup copy of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform

Required parameter




-b <path>

Create a file containing a backup copy of the program at the specified path,

where <path> is the absolute path or relative path to the directory in which the file with the backup copy of the program is created.



Clear the directory before saving the program backup file.


-d <number of stored files>

Specify the maximum number of files from the backup copy of the program stored in the directory, where <number> is the number of files.



Save files in Storage.



Save files in quarantine.



Save files awaiting rescan.



Save Sandbox artifacts.



Save Central Node or PCN settings.


-l <filepath>

Save the command execution result to a file, where <filepath> is the name of the event log file, including the absolute path or relative path to the file.

If additional settings are not defined, the backup copy of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform contains only databases (alerts database, VIP status details, the list of data excluded from the scan, notifications).

All files containing a backup copy of the program are saved to one TAR archive. Archive file name: data_kata_ddmmyyyyhhMM, where ddmmyyyy is the date and hhMM is the hour and minute when the backup copy of the program was created. The name of the database is KATA5.0.sql for the backup copy of the program version 5.0.


Command for creating a backup copy of the program:

kata-backup-restore backup -b <path> -c -d <number of stored files> -e -q -a -s -n -l <filepath>

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