Creating a backup copy and restoring the program from backup

If you are using the non fault-tolerant version of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform, you can create a backup copy of the program and then restore it from the backup copy.

For a standalone Central Node server, you can create a backup copy of the data from this Central Node server.

If you are using the distributed solution and multitenancy mode, you can:

Follow the procedure for creating the backup copy of the program on the server for which you want to create a backup copy of the data.

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform may contain user data and other confidential information. The Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform administrator must independently ensure the security of this data when creating a backup copy of the program, when replacing equipment on which the program is installed, or in other cases when it may be necessary to permanently delete data. The Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform administrator bears responsibility for access to data stored on program servers.

You can create a backup copy of the following data:

You can clear the directory before creating a backup copy of the program.

Before the program is restored from a backup copy, the following is cleared on the Central Node or PCN server on which the program is being restored:

Files that are in the scan queue when the backup copy of the program is created are not exported.

The versions of the program being restored must match the version of the program installed on the server. If the versions of the programs do not match, an error message is displayed when the program restoration is initiated, and the restoration process is terminated.

In this Help section

Creating a backup copy of Central Node server settings from the program administrator menu

Downloading a file containing a backup copy of server settings from the Central Node or PCN server to the hard drive of the computer

Uploading a file containing a backup copy of server settings from your computer to the Central Node server

Restoring server settings from a backup copy using the program administrator menu

Creating a backup copy of the program in Technical Support Mode

Restoring the program from a backup copy in Technical Support Mode

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