- Kaspersky Endpoint Agent Help
- Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Installing and uninstalling Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Preparing for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent installation
- Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Installing and uninstalling Kaspersky Endpoint Agent locally
- Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent using Kaspersky Security Center
- Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent administration tools
- Updating Kaspersky Endpoint Agent from the previous version
- Repairing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Changes in the system after Kaspersky Endpoint Agent installation
- Application licensing
- Kaspersky Endpoint Agent application data
- Service data
- Data on events in Windows Event Log
- Data in requests to Kaspersky Sandbox
- Data provided when using the activation code
- Data received as a result of IOC Scan task execution
- Data in YARA Scan results
- Data in requests to the KATA Central Node component
- Data in requests to Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks server
- Data for creating a threat development chain
- Providing extended Kaspersky Endpoint Agent diagnostic information to the Technical Support specialists
- Data in trace and dump files
- Data on acceptance the terms of KSN Statement
- Network isolation
- Execution prevention
- IOC Scan
- YARA scan
- Security audit
- Working with incident card
- About the EDR notifications widget
- About Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum
- About integration with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- About integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response
- About integration with Kaspersky Sandbox
- About integration with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent using Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policies
- Configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent settings
- Opening Kaspersky Endpoint Agent settings window
- Configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent security settings
- Configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent connection settings to a proxy server
- Configuring Kaspersky Security Center as a proxy server for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent activation
- Configure network isolation settings
- Configuring KSN usage in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Configuring the integration of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent with Kaspersky Sandbox
- Enabling and disabling integration with Kaspersky Sandbox
- Configuring trusted connection between Kaspersky Sandbox and Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Configuring the response timeout of Kaspersky Sandbox and request queue settings
- Adding Kaspersky Sandbox servers to Kaspersky Endpoint Agent list
- Configuring Threat Response actions of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to respond to threats detected by Kaspersky Sandbox
- Enabling and disabling Threat Response actions
- Adding Threat Response actions to the action list of the current policy
- Configuring authentication on the Administration Server for Autonomous IOC Scan tasks
- Device protection from legitimate applications that can be used by cybercriminals
- Configuring start of Autonomous IOC Scan tasks
- Configuring integration between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and KATA Central Node
- Configuring integration between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Enabling integration with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Configuring trusted connection with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Configuring synchronization settings between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Configuring data submission settings
- Configuring integration between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response
- Configuring EDR telemetry settings
- Configuring storage settings in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Configuring failure diagnosis
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent tasks
- Creating a local task
- Creating a group task
- Viewing the table of tasks
- Deleting a task from the list
- Starting tasks manually
- Starting tasks by schedule
- Viewing task execution results
- Configuring the storage time for the task execution results on the Administration Server
- Creating Kaspersky Endpoint Agent activation task
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent database and module update tasks
- Managing IOC Scan tasks in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Managing the application using Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policies
- Configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent settings
- Opening Kaspersky Endpoint Agent settings window
- Configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent security settings
- Configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent connection settings to a proxy server
- Configuring Kaspersky Security Center as a proxy server for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent activation
- Configure network isolation settings
- Configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy type
- Configuring KSN usage in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Configuring the integration of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent with Kaspersky Sandbox
- Enabling and disabling integration with Kaspersky Sandbox
- Configuring trusted connection on Kaspersky Endpoint Agent side
- Adding Kaspersky Sandbox servers to Kaspersky Endpoint Agent list
- Configuring the response timeout of Kaspersky Sandbox and request queue settings
- Configuring Threat Response actions of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to respond to threats detected by Kaspersky Sandbox
- Enabling detection of legitimate applications that can be used by cybercriminals
- Configuring IOC Scan tasks start
- Configuring integration between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and KATA Central Node
- Configuring integration between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Enabling integration with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Configuring trusted connection with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Configuring synchronization settings between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Configuring data submission settings
- Configuring integration between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response
- Configuring EDR telemetry settings
- Configuring Execution prevention settings
- Configuring storage settings in Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Configuring failure diagnosis
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent tasks
- Creating tasks
- Viewing the table of tasks
- Deleting a task from the list
- Configuring task schedule settings
- Starting tasks manually
- Viewing task execution results
- Configuring the storage time for the task execution results on the Administration Server
- Creating Kaspersky Endpoint Agent activation tasks
- Configuring Database and application module update task
- Managing Standard IOC Scan tasks
- Managing the Security audit tasks
- Creating the Security audit task with the default settings
- Configuring the Security Audit task settings using the SCADA vulnerabilities database created by KL ICS Cert
- Configuring the Security audit task settings
- Configuring the Security audit task settings using a custom database from file
- Viewing the Security audit task execution results
- Exporting the Security audit task execution results to a separate file
- Configuring the Quarantine file task
- Configuring the Delete file task
- Configuring the Run process task
- Configuring the Terminate process task
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent using the command line interface
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent activation
- Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent authentication
- Configuring tracing
- Configuring creation of dump files
- Viewing information about quarantine settings and quarantined objects
- Actions on quarantined objects
- Managing Kaspersky Sandbox integration settings
- Managing integration settings with KATA Central Node component
- Managing integration settings with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks
- Running Kaspersky Endpoint Agent database and module update
- Starting, stopping and viewing the current application status
- Protecting the application with password
- Protecting application services with PPL technology
- Managing self-defense settings
- Managing event filtering
- Managing network isolation
- Managing Standard IOC Scan tasks
- Managing the Security audit tasks
- Creating a file signing certificate with OVAL rules
- Creating Kaspersky Security Center installation package with custom OVAL rules
- Managing scanning of files and processes according to YARA rules
- Managing scanning of autorun point objects according to YARA rules
- Managing Execution prevention
- Contact Technical Support
- Glossary
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
Configuring Database and application module update task
This Help provides information related to Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Windows. This information may be partially or completely inapplicable to Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux. For complete information about Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Linux, please refer to the Help of the solution that includes the application: Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform or Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.
After creating the Database and application module update task, you can configure the settings for this task.
To modify task settings:
- Open Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
- In Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console tree, open the Tasks folder.
A list of tasks appears.
- In the Database and application module update section, select the task in the list and right-click it to open the task action menu.
- Select the Properties menu item.
The task properties window opens.
- In the left part of the window, select the group of settings that you want to configure.
- In the right part of the window, make the necessary modifications and click Apply and OK.
You can configure the following task settings:
- Task name
Do the following:
- Select the General section.
- Change the task name in the top line.
- Devices on which the task will be performed
The right part of the window displays current devices to which the task is assigned. Perform the following actions to add devices:
- Click the Add button.
A window opens with a list of managed devices.
- Select the check boxes next to devices you want to add.
- If you want to add devices that are not in the list, click Add in the right part of the window and follow the steps to add devices.
For example, you can specify device addresses manually or import them from the list.
You can specify NetBIOS names, DNS names, IP addresses and IP address ranges of the devices to which you want to assign a task.
For details on working with managed devices, refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.
- Click the Add button.
- Database update source
Do the following:
- In the Database update source section, select one of the following database update sources:
- Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
- Kaspersky update servers.
- Custom HTTP or FTP servers or network folders.
- If required, select the Use Kaspersky update servers if specified servers are not available check box.
- If you select Kaspersky update servers as database update source and want to use a proxy-server to connect to it, select the Use proxy server settings to connect to Kaspersky update servers check box in the Update source connection settings section.
- If you select Custom HTTP or FTP servers or network folders as database update source, do the following:
- Click the Custom HTTP or FTP servers or network folders link.
- Add update servers to the list:
- Click the Update servers button.
- In the new line, enter the address of the update server (HTTP or FTP), or the path to the network or local folder containing the update files.
- If you want to use this server to update databases, select the check box next to its address. You can also add servers to the list and clear the check boxes next to the addresses of the servers that you do not want to use now, but plan to use later.
Perform the same steps to add each server.
- Click OK.
- The Update servers window closes.
- To use a proxy server to connect to update servers, select the Use proxy server settings to connect to other servers check box in the Update source connection settings section.
- In the Database update source section, select one of the following database update sources:
- Configuring additional database update settings
Do the following:
- In the Update settings section, select the conditions for the application to check for the availability of application module updates:
- Do not check for updates. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent will not check the availability of application module updates.
- Only check for availability of critical software modules updates. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent will check the availability only for important application module updates.
- Download and install critical application module updates. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent will check the availability of application module updates and download and install critical application module updates.
- If you want the application to display a notification about all scheduled application modules updates available in the update source, select the Receive information about available scheduled application module updates check box.
- In the Update settings section, select the conditions for the application to check for the availability of application module updates:
- Database update schedule
Do the following:
- In the Task schedule section, select the Run by schedule check box.
- In the Frequency list select one of the following options to run the tasks: At specified time, Every hour, Every day, Every week, On application launch or After the application database update.
- If you select the At specified time option, specify the day and time to start the task in the Run by schedule section.
- If you select one of the following options: Every hour, Every day or Every week, configure the following settings in the Run by schedule section:
- In the Every list, select the task run frequency. For example, once a day or twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- In the Time and Date lists, select the date and time from which the schedule applies.
- To configure advanced schedule settings, click the Advanced button and perform the following actions in the Advanced window:
- If you want to set maximum timeout for the task execution, select the Stop tasks that run longer than check box and specify the number of hours and minutes after which the task will automatically terminate.
- If you want the task schedule to be valid until a certain date, select the Cancel schedule from check box and specify the expiration date for the schedule.
- If you want the application to start Database Update tasks that were not completed on time as soon as possible, select the Run missed tasks check box.
- If you want to avoid simultaneous access of a large number of workstations to the Administration Server as well as to run the task on workstations not precisely according to the schedule, but randomly within a certain time interval, select the Randomize the task run to every check box and specify the start interval in minutes.
- Click OK.
- Kaspersky Security Center user account which is used to run the task
In the Selecting an account to run the task window, do one of the following:
- Select the default account and click Next.
- Enter the user name and password to be used to start the task.
- Storage time for the task execution results on the Administration Server
Do the following:
- Select the Notification section.
- Make sure, that the On the Administration Server for (days) check box is selected in the Save information about results section, and specify for how many days you want to store the task execution results.
By default, task execution results are stored on the Administration Server for 7 days.
See also |