Removable Drives Scan

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can scan the following removable drives when they are connected to the protected device: CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, flash drives (including USB modems), external hard drives, and floppy disks.

If the removable drives scan is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors the connection of removable drives to the protected device and, if a connected removable drive is detected, it scans the drive and its boot sectors for viruses and other malware.

By default, the application does not monitor for the connection of removable drives or scan these.

This feature is not supported in the KESL container.

In this Help section

Configuring Removable Drives Scan in the Web Console

Configuring Removable Drives Scan in the Administration Console

Configuring Removable Drives Scan in the command line

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