System monitoring in online mode

Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks displays data for monitoring the current state of the system in the Dashboard section of the application web interface. Data is automatically updated in online mode.

You can track the more significant changes in the system by viewing data in the Assets and Events sections. If you need to view more detailed information (for example, about assets requiring attention), you can proceed to other sections of the application web interface or open a tooltip.

To view data in online mode, you can also use the Tags section, which lets you view tags with process parameter values and monitor the current state of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks.

In this section:

Information in the Assets block

Viewing detailed information about assets

Searching assets and proceeding to the Assets section

Information in the Events block

Selecting a period for displaying a histogram

Viewing detailed information about events and incidents

Searching events and incidents and proceeding to the Events section

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