Process Control rules

The application can employ the following Process Control rules to monitor the values of tags:

Process Control rules can be enabled or disabled. Enabled rules are applied during traffic analysis. Disabled rules are not applied and are not taken into account.

The application can automatically create Process Control rules with defined conditions when Process Control is running in learning mode.

You can view and edit Process Control rules on the Rules tab in the Process Control section of the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks web interface.

In this section:

Rules with defined conditions for tag values

Rules with Lua scripts

Process Control rules learning mode

Enabling and disabling rule-based Process Control

Viewing the table of Process Control rules

Creating a Process Control rule with settings of conditions

Creating a Process Control rule with a Lua script

Editing Process Control rule settings

Creating, viewing and editing a global Lua script

Deleting Process Control rules

Viewing information about devices associated with Process Control rules

Viewing tags associated with Process Control rules

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