Changing the statuses of events

You can change the following statuses of events and incidents:

The Resolved status cannot be changed.

If an event is associated with a risk, this event can be assigned the Resolved status at the same time as the risk status is changed to the Accepted status.

To change the status of events or incidents when working with the events table:

  1. Select the Events section.
  2. In the events table, select the events and/or incidents whose status you want to change.

    The details area appears in the right part of the web interface window.

  3. Use the In progress or Resolved buttons to assign the relevant status to events and/or incidents. These buttons are unavailable in the following cases:
    • The In progress button is unavailable if the selected items do not include events or incidents with the New status.
    • The Resolved button is unavailable if the selected items do not include events or incidents with the New or In progress status.

    If all events and incidents that satisfy the current filter and search settings are selected, and the number of selected items is more than 1,000, the application does not check their statuses. In this case, the In progress and Resolved buttons are both available. However, the In progress button can be used to assign the In progress only to events and incidents that have the New status.

    A window with a confirmation prompt opens.

  4. If the selected events are associated with risks and you want to simultaneously assign the Accepted status to these risks, select the Set the Accepted status for all risks associated with event check box (if one event is selected) or the Set the Accepted status for all risks related to the events check box (if multiple events are selected).

    Risks may be associated with events when the application registers events of certain types based on Asset Management technology.

  5. In the prompt window, click OK.
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