To add an address to the Anti-Spam address allowlist:
Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
If you want to create an address allowlist for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
If you want to create an address allowlist for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node. Within this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to create the address allowlist.
Select the Server protection node.
In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the White list of Anti-Spam addresses configuration section.
To add a new address to the list:
Click the Add recipient button to add a recipient address to the list, or click the Add sender button to add a sender address to the list.
In the White list record settings window that opens, define the following settings:
Masks of email addresses. For example, *; *; *, or (for a multilevel domain).
If you add message senders to the allowlist, the application will allow messages sent from the specified email addresses without scanning them for spam and/or mass mail.
If you add message recipients to the allowlist, the application will allow messages sent to the specified recipients without scanning them for spam and/or mass mail.
Adding message recipients to the allowlist based on an Active Directory user account. The application will let in messages sent to recipients defined by the specified user accounts without scanning them for spam and / or bulk email delivery.
This option is only available when adding or changing the message recipient address. Please also refer to the About trusted recipients section.
Adding a sender to the allowlist based on an IP address. The application will let in messages that come from the specified IP address without scanning them for spam and / or bulk email delivery. You can use a range of IP addresses specified in subnet format. For example,
This option is only available when adding or changing the message sender address.
In this section, you can specify which scans you need to exclude for messages with the specified senders or recipients. The following options are available:
Spam, phishing, and mass email. The application will let in messages containing spam and bulk email.
Mass mail. The application will let in bulk email only.
Additional information about the record. For example, the cause for adding the address to the list. The maximum comment length is 200 characters.
Click the OK button.
The new record is added to the list.
Click the Save button.
All changes that were made to the Anti-Spam address allowlist will be saved.
You can also:
Define the record settings by clicking the Change button
Delete one or several records from the list by clicking the Delete button
Copy the records selected in the list to a text file (for example, by pressing Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V)
Export list records to an XML file by clicking the Export button.
Import records to the list from a previously exported XML file or TXT file by clicking the Import button. When importing a TXT file, the file will be recognized as a list of email addresses of senders.