Kaspersky Endpoint Agent application data

Do not use Kaspersky Endpoint Agent on hosts for which data submission is prohibited by the policy of your organization.

In order to provide basic functionality, audit, and expedite solutions to arising problems by Kaspersky Technical Support, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent stores and processes data locally.

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent hosts store data prepared for automatic submission to Kaspersky Sandbox servers and Kaspersky Security Center.

Files prepared by Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for submission for scanning to application servers are stored on Kaspersky Endpoint Agent in plain, non-encrypted form in the default folder for storing files before submission.

Kaspersky Sandbox administrator must independently secure Kaspersky Endpoint Agent hosts and Kaspersky Sandbox servers with data listed above. The administrator of Kaspersky Sandbox is responsible for access to this information.

This section contains the following information about user data kept on Kaspersky Endpoint Agent hosts:

See also

About data provision

Kaspersky Sandbox application data

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