Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of possible additional input parameters for statistics request "KLSTS_Events"

List of possible additional input parameters for statistics request "KLSTS_Events" is presented below.


Last processed modification time received from Kaspersky corporate product distributives available for download.

The parameter is supported for Kaspersky Security Center 10 SP3 and earlier.
KLSTS_ParIn_Ev_KLEVerKscUpdTimestampparamDateTimeLast processed KLEVER modification time when viewing for KSC components updates (parameter "modification_time") received from Kaspersky corporate product distributives available for download.
KLSTS_ParIn_Ev_KLEVerNonKscUpdTimestampparamDateTimeLast processed KLEVER modification time when viewing for non-KSC components updates (parameter "modification_time") received from Kaspersky corporate product distributives available for download.
KLSTS_ParIn_Ev_KLEVerNewProdsTimestampparamDateTimeLast processed KLEVER modification time when viewing for new products (parameter "modification_time") received from Kaspersky corporate product distributives available for download.

Information about the product KSC MMC console plug-ins installed on the calling console.

Each entry is paramParams, name - internal product name; value - parameters, where names are internal versions; values - exact installed versions. Example:

            +--- (paramParams)
                +---KLSTS_ParIn_Ev_Plugins (paramParams)
                    +---KES (paramParams)
                    |   +--- (paramLong) - installed version, e.g., 0x000A000200020100 ("")
                    |   +--- (paramLong) - installed version, e.g., 0x000A00020004007C ("")
                    +---UMDM (paramParams)
                        +--- (paramLong) - installed version, e.g., 0x000A000301970000 ("10.3.407")
See also: